Friday, November 27, 2009


It doesn't get much sillier than some one wearing a snuggie. We bought these in preparation of this weekend's house guest and good friend Rosie. Not only do these snuggly blankets keep you warm and allow you the use of your arms they are an instant mood booster because you cannot help but laugh when you put one on. If you come to visit our house be prepared to get your photo taken in a snuggie. It's a new silly tradition.


  1. Jen - I saw this in my RSS feed and I thought it was Failblog. And I called Salina over and was like "doesn't this post look like Levi?!" and she was like. "um, duh, it _is_ Levi". dur dur dur.

    go snuggiees!

  2. Did you see they have snuggies for dogs?? Seriously?

  3. (this is emma)nice pink snuggie uncle! :)
