Considering our home was a foreclosure it was in great shape however the previous owners took everything they could possibly detach from the home, like shower heads, kitchen sink pipes, disposal, sink drains, etc. This left us either with a plumbing/electrical project to tackle or a big plumbers bill to swallow.
Typically Jen is of the mind set that no remodel project is too large, however this one was quite intimidating. We needed to install the sink drain on one side of the sink, mount the disposal on the other side, wire the disposal, connect the dishwasher to the discharge on the disposal, connect the faucet and recreate the entire plumb drain system beneath the sink. We have before, during and photos posted here in that order.
Jen is quite proud of herself, Levi is equally impressed, but only because the project seems intimidating, not because it is overly difficult. With the help of Joe & Salina's 123 home improvement book, instructions and a bit of online research we were able to get through this project with out incident. You too can do your own plumbing and add these fun new words to your vocabulary - flange, tailpipe, P Trap and channel lock :)
You go girl!!