Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yuma Air Show


The Air Show and the county fair tie for Yuma's most exciting events or so we hear. The Air Show was a lazy day of sitting in our camp chairs reading our books in between shows of dazzling air tricks done by civilian planes in the air. We watched 5 guys parachute from an airplane high in the sky and land right in the middle of the crowd, we saw a small plane fly up into the air, cut the engine and tumble artfully back toward the ground before turning on the engine and flying again, we saw a harrier plane (think about the end scene of True Lies when Arnold Schwarzenegger steals the harrier to save his daughter dangling on a crane in NY City) hover 50 feet about the crowd and do a full 360 turn. The big finale was a 10 minute reenactment of the Pearl Harbor bombing followed by a 2 mile long wall of fire. It was the largest display of testosterone I've ever seen!

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