It's rare that all five of the Larson siblings, their spouses, their children and the parents are in the same place at the same time, it's even more rare for our entire gang of 17 immediate family members can visit Sumas and the extended Larson family and grandparents at the same time - this very rarity happened over Memorial weekend and to boot the sun was out and n

In addition to our Larson family gathering Levi and I met some of our friends for an 11 inning Mariner game, spent a rare 80 degree day swimming at Lake Roseigner with our nieces, Levi and Luke climbed Mt. Si, Levi played a bit of frisbee with his old team Huckin' Easy and then we gathered for an evening bbq with some more of our friends from home. Despite not living in Seattle for a year it felt as if we had never left, our second home in Bothell never felt more cozy and our incredible group of friends haven't yet given up on us despite our lengthy absence. Levi boarded a plane back to Yuma on Tuesday and Jen remained in Washington for another week to visit her family and celebrate our nephew's 2nd birthday.
Levi looks like such a good uncle. You guys seemed to have had so much fun.