Oh how we hate this tree! Let us count the ways- 1) The tree paired with Yuma's wild wind has been ripping off our shingles on the roof. 2) Our attempt at pruning resulted in not only an unsightly chop job but also a ridiculous growth spurt of branches forcing us and all of our guests to duck before entering our home 3) During Spring the tree blossomed thousands of lime green puff balls attracting thousands of bees who took up residence in our tree for a month. 4) Half of the puff ball blossoms dropped into our yard and rock bed making it look as if we littered our yard with thousands of tiny green marshmallows. 5) The other half of the puff ball blossoms attached to the tree sprouted a pea pod type appendage which are now also falling into our yard. 6) Come winter the green leaves will also litter our yard. It's too much! The tree had to come down! When a landscaper knocked on our door offering his tree pruning services Jen arranged for the tree to come down all together and the rock in the front to be removed. To some this is a huge travesty but the tree and all of it's issues have begun to affect Jen's daily sanity - it had to come down.
We have every intention of replanting something in it's place and landscaping the rock bed with drought tollerant plants but in the mean time the house is looking a little bare. So bare in fact Levi who was drove right pass our house on his way home from work.
That is so funny. The house really does look totally different.